desired feelings

Why You Should Take A FAKE Sick Day

Why You Should Take A FAKE Sick Day

About a year ago I was working with my friend and health coach, Michelle Cady of FitVista, on a sort of health reboot. I was super overextended from working full time, going to coaching school at night, working on business ideas, being in a relationship, and generally trying to keep up with friends and maintain a social life. In the midst of all of that, I was trying to fit in exercise and eating healthy. I was on a vary obvious road to burnout (even if I couldn’t see it at the time).

Tips for a Purposeful 2017

Tips for a Purposeful 2017

Happy New Year girlfriend! It’s a new year and a new you! The possibilities are endless as you take on 2017 like a boss! As you think about the year ahead and all that you want to accomplish, remember to take a quick breath before diving in.