love yourself

A Letter Of Self-Love

A Letter Of Self-Love

Happy Galentine's Day, ladies!

Given that this day is all about female friendship (and since I just wrote a blog post on making friends the other week), I thought I'd focus on a different female friendship in your life: the one you have with yourself.

Knowing I wanted to focus on self-love today, I'd been struggling to find a way to talk about it that felt different from my self-love blog post from last year. Then all of a sudden, a good friend emailed me a piece written by Tama Kieves for about how she talks to herself when fear creeps in. I opened the link and a lightbulb went off! This piece contained the exact message I needed to hear in that moment and it gave me inspiration for a fresh take on a self-love blog post.

Why You Should Take A FAKE Sick Day

Why You Should Take A FAKE Sick Day

About a year ago I was working with my friend and health coach, Michelle Cady of FitVista, on a sort of health reboot. I was super overextended from working full time, going to coaching school at night, working on business ideas, being in a relationship, and generally trying to keep up with friends and maintain a social life. In the midst of all of that, I was trying to fit in exercise and eating healthy. I was on a vary obvious road to burnout (even if I couldn’t see it at the time).

The Art of Self-Love

The Art of Self-Love

Happy February beautiful babes! In honor of this month, I want to talk to you about love. Not the mushy Valentine’s Day love we're seeing in every store we walk into these days. I want to talk to you about self-love.

Self-love is one of the hardest, but arguably most important things to work for in one’s lifetime.