
My Interview On The Permission To Grow Podcast

My Interview On The Permission To Grow Podcast

I'm super excited to share my recent interview with Kelsie Brunick of the Permission To Grow podcast!

Kelsie and I met via Instagram. We'd been following each other for a while, doing the whole "social media friend" thing (commenting on each other's posts, quick responses back to each other, etc.) and then just like that, we were recording a podcast episode together!

Open Up: Mindset Shifts & "Ah Ha" Moments

Open Up: Mindset Shifts & "Ah Ha" Moments

You know those times when you’re so set in one way of doing something that you’re almost blind to alternative ways of looking at it? And yet, the way you’re going about something just isn’t working for you?

In these cases, you’re so fixated on the way things are that it's as if you don’t have access to changing your perspective. The more you focus on the problem, the more it seems to stay and the less you're able to see alternatives. It often takes something or someone outside of yourself to access a new mindset or perspective that, when you look back at it, often seems pretty logical or even obvious. Sometimes it comes from a comment made by a friend. Sometimes it comes from reading a page in a book. Sometimes the Universe smacks you upside the head.

How did I not see it that way before?!