2018 Year End Review (FREEBIE)

2018 Year End Review (FREEBIE)

As we approach the holidays and the year comes to a close, it's natural to start looking ahead to 2019.

Our focus shifts to New Year's Resolutions and what comes next for us in our lives and careers. I mean, just walk into any stationary store and you’re bombarded with 2019 planners - it’s hard not to think about it.

While it's important to be forward thinking and get serious about your goals, I encourage you not to let 2018 go so quickly.

8 Books To Help You Crush It In 2018

8 Books To Help You Crush It In 2018

I love books. Better yet, I love books about self-improvement. Hazard of the job I guess.

I frequently have about 3-5 books at going at once. I write in them and bend the corners - marking pages to come back to when I need guidance, inspiration or insight. They're a major source of conversation in my life, as I'm always curious to hear what other people are reading and love recommending books that I've fallen head over heels for. 

During a recent coaching session, a client told me I should really write a book roundup since I’m always talking about new books to read. I’d been toying with the idea, but her suggestion convinced me to actually do it.

Forget New Year's Resolutions... Let's Focus On Goals

Forget New Year's Resolutions... Let's Focus On Goals

For most of my life I was very focused on New Year's resolutions. Or at least I tried to be... 

Around this time of year, I would think about all of the things I wanted to change about myself or be better at and I’d write a list.

Past items on my resolution lists include things like:

  1. Floss every day
  2. Go to the gym 5x per week
  3. Lose 5-10 pounds
  4. Drink more water
  5. Eat healthier


I’d write them down neatly in a journal, attempt to maintain them for a few days and then, within a week, I’d fall off track or completely forget about them.