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2018 Year End Review (FREEBIE)

2018 Year End Review (FREEBIE)

As we approach the holidays and the year comes to a close, it's natural to start looking ahead to 2019.

Our focus shifts to New Year's Resolutions and what comes next for us in our lives and careers. I mean, just walk into any stationary store and you’re bombarded with 2019 planners - it’s hard not to think about it.

While it's important to be forward thinking and get serious about your goals, I encourage you not to let 2018 go so quickly.

Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery (FREE DOWNLOAD)

If you're anything like me, you hold a lot of thoughts in your head. You're constantly thinking about the future, wondering how you're going to get where you want to go, wondering what things will look like a year or 5 years from now, etc.

With all those thoughts bouncing around, it's easy to get caught up there in our minds, mulling things over, over-analyzing, and staying stuck. When things feel disorganized, it can lead us to avoid taking action and just continue putting one foot in front of the other.

September Is The New January

September Is The New January

Well, it's that time of year again, when we say so long to summer Fridays and trade in our bikinis and flip flops for toasty scarves and pumpkin spice lattes. We may get a few more warm days, but the weather is very noticeably changing. Have you seen how quickly it's getting dark in the evenings now?!

Beyond the obvious shift in weather, the changing of seasons brings a shift in energy as well.

Summer's energy is very carefree - all about doing things that bring us pleasure, whether that be travel, lying on the beach or impromptu outdoor dinner parties with friends. Fall's energy, however, is much more focused. Now that our summer plans have come to an end, our focus shifts to getting back to our normal lives and routines. That "back to school" vibe is in the air, and even if we're no longer in school ourselves, the energy is still around us.

For some of us, this transition can make us feel a bit sad - like we're saying goodbye to an old friend. However, I happen see it as an opportunity.

Are You Listening To Your Body? (Free Cheat Sheet)

Are You Listening To Your Body? (Free Cheat Sheet)

Your body is freaking brilliant.

While you may have a love/hate relationship with it at times, the sheer brilliance that your body contains is an undeniable fact. All day, every day, your body is giving you cues. It tells you when it needs food, when it needs sleep, when it needs to pee, when it needs you to just stop moving already (or even when you should really get off your ass for a few minutes).

But how much do you actually listen to your body?

Kickstart Your Job Search (Free Worksheet Included)

Kickstart Your Job Search (Free Worksheet Included)

To look for a new job or not to look for a new job? That is the question.

Being on the fence about whether you stay in your current position or find something new is totally normal, particularly for a generation that changes jobs more frequently than any other generation before us. It's no longer the norm to stay at the same company for 20+ years and more frequent job changes on your resume don't automatically put you at a disadvantage with recruiters the same way they used to. Given this trend, it's not surprising that the question would be on your mind.