
2018 Year End Review (FREEBIE)

2018 Year End Review (FREEBIE)

As we approach the holidays and the year comes to a close, it's natural to start looking ahead to 2019.

Our focus shifts to New Year's Resolutions and what comes next for us in our lives and careers. I mean, just walk into any stationary store and you’re bombarded with 2019 planners - it’s hard not to think about it.

While it's important to be forward thinking and get serious about your goals, I encourage you not to let 2018 go so quickly.

Kickstart Your Job Search (Free Worksheet Included)

Kickstart Your Job Search (Free Worksheet Included)

To look for a new job or not to look for a new job? That is the question.

Being on the fence about whether you stay in your current position or find something new is totally normal, particularly for a generation that changes jobs more frequently than any other generation before us. It's no longer the norm to stay at the same company for 20+ years and more frequent job changes on your resume don't automatically put you at a disadvantage with recruiters the same way they used to. Given this trend, it's not surprising that the question would be on your mind.