
Two Years Of Compass Maven

Two Years Of Compass Maven

It’s hard to believe, but Compass Maven is officially 2!

Time is a funny thing - it can feel fast and slow all at the same time. In some ways, it feels like setting this website “live” and sending out my first newsletter happened even more than 2 years ago. In other ways, it feels like yesterday.

Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery (FREE DOWNLOAD)

If you're anything like me, you hold a lot of thoughts in your head. You're constantly thinking about the future, wondering how you're going to get where you want to go, wondering what things will look like a year or 5 years from now, etc.

With all those thoughts bouncing around, it's easy to get caught up there in our minds, mulling things over, over-analyzing, and staying stuck. When things feel disorganized, it can lead us to avoid taking action and just continue putting one foot in front of the other.