career change

How To Take Care Of Yourself Post-Layoff

How To Take Care Of Yourself Post-Layoff

If you’ve been reading the news or your LinkedIn feed, you’ve likely seen the layoffs happening across the tech industry. Maybe you yourself have been impacted. Whether this is your first layoff or you’ve been a part of one before, the experience can be quite disheartening.

You go from having a full work day to hours on hours of open time. You had a group of colleagues you worked with daily and suddenly you’re no longer interacting with those folks on a regular basis. There are moments when your new found freedom feels amazing - and others when it’s absolutely brutal.

So how do you support yourself through it?

Below are some ways in which I’ve been taking care of myself throughout my own layoff journey. Hope you find them helpful too!

Two Years Of Compass Maven

Two Years Of Compass Maven

It’s hard to believe, but Compass Maven is officially 2!

Time is a funny thing - it can feel fast and slow all at the same time. In some ways, it feels like setting this website “live” and sending out my first newsletter happened even more than 2 years ago. In other ways, it feels like yesterday.

One Idea Away Podcast Interview

One Idea Away Podcast Interview

A few weeks ago I had the honor of being a panelist for an episode of the One Idea Away livecast + podcast, a community and podcast created by iPEC (the coaching program I attended). I'd never been part of a panel podcast episode before and it was a super cool experience! 

It was so much fun connecting with a couple of other iPEC coaches and talking all about what happens when you realize that the thing you thought you wanted in life isn't in fact what you want. We share our own stories and experiences, as well as advice for helping you pivot and figure out what you actually want to be doing instead.

WELL-Rounded Podcast Interview

WELL-Rounded Podcast Interview

Hey friends!

I'm a big advocate of my clients taking time to celebrate when they reach their goals (rather than just moving onto the next), so I thought I'd take my own advice today and celebrate reaching a goal of mine!

At the beginning of the year, I made a goal to be on at least 5 podcasts in 2018 (hence why it may seem like I've been on the podcast circuit as of late). As an avid listener and some one who enjoys connecting with new people, I absolutely LOVE recording podcast episodes! They're a fun way to have really interesting conversations with awesome people! 

Your Career Isn't A Straight Line

Your Career Isn't A Straight Line

We live in a culture that views careers as a straight line in forward motion. There is even a phrase for what you are “supposed” to do throughout your career: climb the corporate ladder.

Ah yes, the corporate ladder.

We are all so familiar with this phrase that we don’t give much thought to it. We just absorb it into our vocabulary and assume we’ll do what it describes: Start at the bottom. Look up. And keep climbing through positions until we get to the most senior level possible.

September Is The New January

September Is The New January

Well, it's that time of year again, when we say so long to summer Fridays and trade in our bikinis and flip flops for toasty scarves and pumpkin spice lattes. We may get a few more warm days, but the weather is very noticeably changing. Have you seen how quickly it's getting dark in the evenings now?!

Beyond the obvious shift in weather, the changing of seasons brings a shift in energy as well.

Summer's energy is very carefree - all about doing things that bring us pleasure, whether that be travel, lying on the beach or impromptu outdoor dinner parties with friends. Fall's energy, however, is much more focused. Now that our summer plans have come to an end, our focus shifts to getting back to our normal lives and routines. That "back to school" vibe is in the air, and even if we're no longer in school ourselves, the energy is still around us.

For some of us, this transition can make us feel a bit sad - like we're saying goodbye to an old friend. However, I happen see it as an opportunity.