
How To Take Care Of Yourself Post-Layoff

How To Take Care Of Yourself Post-Layoff

If you’ve been reading the news or your LinkedIn feed, you’ve likely seen the layoffs happening across the tech industry. Maybe you yourself have been impacted. Whether this is your first layoff or you’ve been a part of one before, the experience can be quite disheartening.

You go from having a full work day to hours on hours of open time. You had a group of colleagues you worked with daily and suddenly you’re no longer interacting with those folks on a regular basis. There are moments when your new found freedom feels amazing - and others when it’s absolutely brutal.

So how do you support yourself through it?

Below are some ways in which I’ve been taking care of myself throughout my own layoff journey. Hope you find them helpful too!

How To Support Your Grieving Team

How To Support Your Grieving Team

We’re all experiencing grief right now. It might look and feel a bit different from what normally comes to mind when we think of “grief”, but ultimately that’s what it is.

We’re grieving the loss of life - both the actual loss of life of those who have died of COVID-19, as well as the sudden loss of our “normal” lives. It feels like overnight the world we knew changed and we’re mourning what we once took for granted like meeting friends for dinner, going to the gym, or even shaking hands with someone we just met. Many of us are grieving the loss of stable income and aren’t sure when we’ll be able to find jobs again.

We’re also grieving the loss of the futures we had in mind for ourselves - whether it’s postponing a wedding or graduation, changes to who is allowed in the delivery room when giving birth, the move we were supposed to make, or the new job we were supposed to start. We had plans and dreams that suddenly seemed to have vanished or have drastically changed on us.

Nothing feels certain - other than the fact that we’re experiencing grief.

As we deal with our own grief, it’s important to remember that in many ways this is a collective grief. Every single one of us is affected by this pandemic in our own way.

This is particularly important to remember when it comes to work.

The Do's And Don'ts Of Working From Home

The Do's And Don'ts Of Working From Home

Over the past week, several friends and clients have mentioned the difficulty they’re having adjusting to working from home. Maybe you’re feeling that way too?

As someone who has spent a few years working from home and on distributed teams, I thought it might be helpful to share my best do’s and don’ts of working from home to help make your adjustment easier.

Here’s what I’ve found to work well.

Setting Boundaries At Work

Setting Boundaries At Work

Today I want to talk about something that I’ve noticed a lot of people struggling with lately: boundary setting at work.

With emails, texts, and tools like Slack, we’re in constant communication with our coworkers. This can be a huge benefit when you’re trying to meet deadlines or have a team working from various locations. In these moments, technology is amazing!

At the same time, it can be hard to disconnect after hours or even focus during the day with lots of different apps constantly pinging you. If we’re not careful, this constant connection can inadvertently lead to a culture of working too many hours, pressure to respond immediately to messages, and a feeling of overwhelm.

Your Career Isn't A Straight Line

Your Career Isn't A Straight Line

We live in a culture that views careers as a straight line in forward motion. There is even a phrase for what you are “supposed” to do throughout your career: climb the corporate ladder.

Ah yes, the corporate ladder.

We are all so familiar with this phrase that we don’t give much thought to it. We just absorb it into our vocabulary and assume we’ll do what it describes: Start at the bottom. Look up. And keep climbing through positions until we get to the most senior level possible.

My Interview On

My Interview On

This week's blog post is a little different...

I'm very excited to share that I was recently interviewed by my super amazing friend, Michelle Cady, for her blog on!

Michelle is a fantastic health coach based in NYC. She's a fellow Middlebury grad (although we didn't know each other in college) and took the leap to go to nutrition school and start her own coaching business after facing some major burnout in her finance career.

As her former-client-turned-friend, Michelle is someone whose work and vision I value immensely, so needless to say, I'm extremely grateful to be featured on her blog!

For the interview, Michelle asked me all sorts of questions about millennials, stress at work, and how to prioritize self-care even when things are a bit nuts at the office. Plus we got into some fun questions around health and fitness too! You won't want to miss it!

3 Ways To Avoid The Summer Slump At Work

3 Ways To Avoid The Summer Slump At Work

Work and summer. Two words we really wish we didn’t have to say in the same sentence.

I mean, what happened to the days of actual summer? Like when we were growing up and summer felt like a break from our normal daily lives. None of this being a working adult all year round business. Just thinking about it sounds relaxing, doesn't it?

Failing vs Failure

Failing vs Failure

The recent opening of the Museum of Failure in Sweden inspired me to pick up the subject of failure, how we perceive it and why it's actually important. The head curator of the museum is quoted in the New York Times saying, "The purpose of the museum is to show that innovation requires failure. If you are afraid of failure, then we can't innovate."