Rethinking Your To Do List

Rethinking Your To Do List

Lately, I’ve been having conversations with a lot of women who are feeling overwhelmed.

They have demanding jobs, busy social lives, and major goals for themselves. As a way to stay organized, many of them create To Do lists, thinking that seeing the big picture will help them dive in. Yet, what once felt like a great strategy, now feels like it’s running their lives.

Two Years Of Compass Maven

Two Years Of Compass Maven

It’s hard to believe, but Compass Maven is officially 2!

Time is a funny thing - it can feel fast and slow all at the same time. In some ways, it feels like setting this website “live” and sending out my first newsletter happened even more than 2 years ago. In other ways, it feels like yesterday.

New Year, New Mantra

New Year, New Mantra

Happy New Year!

This time of year I’m usually writing about New Year’s resolutions or goal setting, but this year I’m thinking about things a little differently.

For the first time in a long time (perhaps in forever?), I don’t have any specific resolutions in mind for the new year. Sure, eating healthier, working out more, and getting more consistent with my meditation practice are on my mind, but those are on “the list” every year. They don’t feel new or particularly exciting at the moment. My mind has been more focused on my general sense of being and the vibe I want to set for 2019.

So this year rather than setting goals or resolutions, I’m focusing on New Year’s mantras: statements about how I want to approach 2019 and how I want to feel this year.

2018 Year End Review (FREEBIE)

2018 Year End Review (FREEBIE)

As we approach the holidays and the year comes to a close, it's natural to start looking ahead to 2019.

Our focus shifts to New Year's Resolutions and what comes next for us in our lives and careers. I mean, just walk into any stationary store and you’re bombarded with 2019 planners - it’s hard not to think about it.

While it's important to be forward thinking and get serious about your goals, I encourage you not to let 2018 go so quickly.

What I'm Loving Lately: Happy Holidays Edition

What I'm Loving Lately: Happy Holidays Edition

Happy Holidays friends!

The season is officially in full swing! Hanukkah started a couple of days ago and Christmas is only 21 days away (yes I’m counting down). Everywhere you go stores are playing holiday music and Salvation Army Santas are ringing their bells.

No matter what you celebrate, this time of year is fun, but also a bit stressful. I know I look forward to it every year, but usually end up feeling frazzled at some point.

So to help you feel inspired and calm this holiday season - whether you’re looking for a pick me up or a gift idea - I’ve pulled together a list of things I’ve been loving lately.

Each item on the list is something I’ve personally been using for inspiration, stress management, or just for fun.

Attitude Of Gratitude

Attitude Of Gratitude

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of life and forget to say thank you.

I don’t mean forgetting to say thank you to your local barista as she hands you your coffee or the person ahead of you who holds the door to your office building as your run up behind them. Those should naturally roll off the tongue. Or at least I hope they do…

I’m talking about having a general attitude of gratitude.

#SeptemberIsTheNewJanuary: Harnessing That Back-To-School Energy For Your Life + Career

#SeptemberIsTheNewJanuary: Harnessing That Back-To-School Energy For Your Life + Career

Got those post Labor Day weekend blues?

I know, I feel you. Summer is ending and we might not be quite ready to say goodbye. But you know what’s great about September?

No, not the arrival of pumpkin spice everything. Although, I do love me a good PSL.

What’s great about September is the renewed sense of energy and focus that comes with the change of seasons. 

One Idea Away Podcast Interview

One Idea Away Podcast Interview

A few weeks ago I had the honor of being a panelist for an episode of the One Idea Away livecast + podcast, a community and podcast created by iPEC (the coaching program I attended). I'd never been part of a panel podcast episode before and it was a super cool experience! 

It was so much fun connecting with a couple of other iPEC coaches and talking all about what happens when you realize that the thing you thought you wanted in life isn't in fact what you want. We share our own stories and experiences, as well as advice for helping you pivot and figure out what you actually want to be doing instead.

Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery (FREE DOWNLOAD)

If you're anything like me, you hold a lot of thoughts in your head. You're constantly thinking about the future, wondering how you're going to get where you want to go, wondering what things will look like a year or 5 years from now, etc.

With all those thoughts bouncing around, it's easy to get caught up there in our minds, mulling things over, over-analyzing, and staying stuck. When things feel disorganized, it can lead us to avoid taking action and just continue putting one foot in front of the other.

4 Things No One Tells You About The First 5 Years Of Your Career

4 Things No One Tells You About The First 5 Years Of Your Career

When we enter the working world for the first time, we show up with a lot of assumptions about (but little understanding of) how the corporate world works. Sometimes these expectations are met, but a lot of the time they aren’t – leaving us confused and wishing someone had told us what to really expect before we even started.

Well, as a former sales rep turned career coach, I’ve learned that there are several things no one tells you about the first 5 years of your career. After spending much of those years really confused (maybe how you’re feeling now) and constantly soul-searching, below are 4 things I wish someone had given me a heads up about when I was starting my career: